Sunday’s Concert (haibun)

Our host, Chèvrefeuille, at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai explains that “Tengri” means ‘sky worship’;  haiku is part of Tengrism … look around you …. see the signs of nature and read them … just read them.



© Cheryl-Lynn ’15/11/22

On her walk Sunday, she was attracted by the sounds of hundreds of birds chirping in several trees. Her head up she sees flocks of birds flying south.  What were these birds doing in the trees. It was nippy that day as well with very cool winds. She regretted not having brought an extra sweater to put under her spring coat, better still, her winter coat would have been a much wiser choice.

So many birds were flying past this tree filled with birds.  “Perhaps they are resting before flying further south,” she thought.  She stopped to take in the concert and listen to the birds harmonize. Such wonder to stop for a moment and breathe in nature’s richness, even in a big city!

A collective
birds plan their long journey
gathered together

gathered together
sort out their pecking orders,
sing in harmony

sing in harmony
she listens with reverence,
nature’s grace

© Tournesol ’15/11/24

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