Daily Moments ~ March 6-16 ~ baby girl blessed (haibun)

She was so blessed. How many people can say they were loved and nurtured by two mothers?  She was born a bit early…just could not wait for spring.  Her mother, Colombe, would visit her family every day off work which was Sunday and Monday.

It was Monday and Colombe felt so much energy that day. She was on pins and needles.  She pushed the sled with her two year old all the way to visit her sister who had just gave birth to her third child, a girl, named Maryline and lived next door to their parents.  Colombe had chosen that same name for her baby if it was a girl so she felt a bit annoyed that she would have to choose another name. Marilyn being the most popular name in the 50’s.

Later at almost one in the morning, Tuesday, March 9th,  Colombe gave birth to a baby girl, in her mother’s bed…



her first cry

safe in both their arms,

baby girl loved

(c) Tournesol ’16-03-06

Daily moments, fleeting thoughts on this Sunday, March 6th 2016

HaikuHorizons “safe”

29 thoughts on “Daily Moments ~ March 6-16 ~ baby girl blessed (haibun)

  1. Pingback: befriending pain (haibun) – Stop the Stigma

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