Welcome to my AWARDS FREE BLOG...your visits our my rewards.

I am a Certified Family Life Educator/life skills facilitator and counsellor on a help line for Canadian youths.

I have been working in the helping profession for 25+ years and volunteered in various capacities. I’m a mother of 2 adult children, a nana, a sister,  and proud owner of a Siberian-mix cat, Bette, I refer to as my BFF (best feline friend).

I fell in love with Waka (Japanese forms of poetry) a few years ago and my nom de plume is Tournesol.

I try to follow daily prompts at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai where our host and mentor, Chèvrefeuille is dedicated to this form; he is also  a published poet and encourages his followers in crafting this beautiful form of writing. I am still learning…so much to learn but this form is like painting a picture of a moment in time…in words in the classical form which would  be 17 syllables in three lines, 5-7-5 although if your thought is expressed in less, that`s okay too.  I find writing Waka is similar to meditating.

I have another blog at  StigmaHurtsEveryone I like to talk about stereotyping, racism, well all the “isms” should be included, stigma we put on certain issues related to mental health as well as any situation that is “stigmatized” to the point that victims do not get help; sometimes it is professionals as well that need sensitizing to help victims of labels.

Alecoute-Ntouch is another website which describes the various conferences and workshops I offer on issues related to personal and professional development but it is not a community type blog like my others.  I may change that now since acquired my certificate in January 2019 to teach English TEFL. Hoping to keep busy when I retire in a few years.

Comments protocol – All comments will be viewed after approval, but anything prejudiced, offensive or just plain cruel will be withdrawn quickly like a magnet to the delete button.   WordPress has  a spam filter in use, which I have no control over – it decides what is spam and what isn’t and so I do check in there now and then as some regular bloggers have mistakenly been moved to that folder.

Contact Info – If you have any questions using any content from my blog, you may contact me at tournesoldansunjardin@gmail.com. 

Namaste, I am humbled by your visit.

Cheryl-Lynn aka Tournesol 


Re Copyrights:  Please do not steal…just give credit where credit is due.  Thanks!


Tournesol dans un Jardin means: Sunflower in a garden.

36 thoughts on “WELCOME!

  1. first of all: happy b’day, young lady! 🙂 2nd of all: I’ve been twice to both Toronto and Montréal… everything does happen for a reason… le hasards fait bien les choses… 🙂 my very best, stay healthy, serene and optimistic… friendly hugs, Mélanie – Toulouse, France, “old Europe” 🙂


  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking “What if the Whole World Smiled?” It always brings a smile to my face when I see that someone new has stopped by. I look forward to reading more from you! I see that you like the kindnessblog so I thought you’d like to know that the challenge to my church kids to fill their world with smiles that I mentioned in my post was met by those kids in just 2 and 1/2 weeks. And they are still going strong. Every week they come back to me with a list of kind things that they have done for people all around them to bring a smile to people’s faces. It is so cool to see these kids thinking of others instead of themselves. There still is kindness out there! Thanks again for stopping by!


      • 🙂 … thanks alot for coming to my place 🙂
        Namaste is way to say blessing on you in Hinduism , and in Islam we use Aslamoalikum and in reply Walakumaslam 😉
        Visit again.. it makes me glad.


      • Thank you for sharing this…I know we tend to take a few Yoga classes here in North American and we use Namaste so often now. Aslamoalikum, my friend.


      • 🙂 walkumaslam
        Its lovely to share thoughts, cultural practices and facts , This is the main reason why i love being here.
        May Allah bless you.


  3. Pingback: Knowledge, Propaganda and the Spreading of Ideas | The Seeker's Dungeon

  4. Pingback: Dungeon Prompts – Season 3, Week 1: Concepts of God – What are yours? | The Seeker's Dungeon

  5. Pingback: Dungeon Prompts Contributors Badge | The Seeker's Dungeon

  6. Pingback: Saying Goodbye For Awhile | The Seeker's Dungeon

  7. Pingback: Dungeon Prompts: I Am a Recovering (fill in the blank) | The Seeker's Dungeon

  8. Hello, thank you for following my blog. I will return soon to explore yours. I have been busy, but wanted to stop by and thank you. Blessings and peace. ☺✌


  9. Welcome
    Very interesting run Blog
    By chance I came across your blog, it is a very interesting
    Greetings from the Polish Lukasz


  10. Pingback: I’m three! Well in Blogging years… | The Seeker's Dungeon

  11. Greetings Tournesol,
    I can see myself spending quite a bit of time here reading your Haiku and stories.
    I didn’t tell you that the Sunflower is also my personal flower. I have always loved it!!
    My other connection with the Sunflower is with the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 in the Ukraine where it landed in a field of sunflowers. I have written about this on my blog and the kids made cards to send to the families of Australian victims. An Australian journalist and photographer brought seeds from the crash site back to Australia via quarantine and I have a handful of these seeds and a photo of the sunflower in situ. I was too anxious to plant them in my garden last year, which was just as well because we had a terrible storm. The plan is to grow them in the greenhouse at my son’s school. https://beyondtheflow.wordpress.com/2015/07/09/seeds-of-love-plucked-from-devastation-flight-mh17/
    Best wishes,


    • I remember that tragedy…I heard from family and friends in this wonderful community of WordPress . Blogging has brought me closer to the rest of the world as well as enlightened me…each day I learn something new…Thank you so much for following me, I am truly humbled.


  12. Pingback: Hump Day Poetry – Week 13 | A Whispered Wind

  13. Pingback: Dungeon Prompts: Moral Authority – The Seeker's Dungeon

  14. Sunflower! How gorgeous. I just came and read “About me” after reading you remarks about my book. (Can’t believe I forgot what the red dot by the bell means.) I’ll be following more faithfully now that my head is screwed on a little tighter..


    • Haha, Nan, you are so precious. We follow each other on Traces (ssssshhhh that’s my other blog with a pseudonym where I write more uncensored). You remind me to read another chapter in your book but maybe tomorrow…Haha, have had difficult weeks of late.

      Liked by 1 person

Your comments are like sunflowers beaming at me:Vos commentaires sont des sourires des Tournesols

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