three generations   (Haibun) May 13-2024

Mother`s Day Bouquet 2024

I hope people had a lovely Mother’s Day yesterday but mostly that those who  may have found it overwhelming that they took care of themselves. It was nice and sunny Saturday here but Sunday was grey and sometimes that can influence our moods. 

You know how we (humans) seem to focus on the “not so happy” feelings sometimes and not the joys we do have? Well, I woke up with the latter Sunday morning. For days I have been missing my mom…a lot. I know it may seem silly because if she were alive she would be 97 and I was so lucky to have her in my life as long as I did, but still…she’s my mom!  So I guess my mood was grey like the clouds and had a good cry.  It`s amazing how cathertic that can be…it actually gave room for positive feelings.

I was plannning my day in my mind…feed the bff’s (best feline friends), have a cup of java, exercise toes and feet (I’ve been working on my mobility these days with sore feet) and I was planning later to take the bus to the florist 5 stops from here, get a nice bouquet for my mom, then walk to a different bus stop to go to the cemetery. I was actually surprised to see that this florist was so close to my place. I could walk on normal days but the feet need TLC these days.

After putting in my toe separators for a 10mins exercise, my phone rings. I can see it is my son and when I answer I hear Lara my 3.5 yr old grand-daughter…”NANA!!!!” Hmm, I guess it is not a phone call but a video call again…after fidgetting clumsily with my phone I see that adorable face and Shirley Temple curls smiling at me, asking me in French “As-tu fait un beau dodo, Nana?” [did you have a nice sleep?]

They wished me “Bonne Fête des Mamans!” and asked me what my plans were. I mentioned just going to the florist to pick up flowers for Nanny and they asked to come with me. Well, that sure tickled my spirits!

They arrived with a lovely surpsise… a huge hanging basket of flowers and plants for my balcony.

We went to the florist and then to the cemetery which was crowded..always is on Mother’s Day…I must go back alone on my mom’s birithday in June so we can have a nice quiet conversation…

It was cute to see Lara…I told her it was a park for older folks, not a play park but it was very pretty and peaceful. It really is a nice place…there is nice pond with flowers and shrubs and benches around the pond. I especially love the weeping willows. I have written a few poems sitting there and even made some greeting cards from the photos (without saying where the beautiful image is from…some people cringe at the word ‘cemetery’).

We explained to Lara to not walk on the plaques on the ground with words on it, so she would ask me to read some of them all the way to my mom’s spot.

three generations
honouring their matriarch
Mother`s Day field-trip

I remember my kids telling me when they would stay at my mom’s for a few days, she would have a picnic at the cemetery where several departed family members were resting. I only heard about this when I saw some photos from my mom’s album when she passed.

Mom had a way of visiting her dad and siblings and later her mom and made it a fun day…a visit rather than a sad day. I like that. At the time I did not see it as positive but a bit gruesome. I get it now especially seeing Lara’s smiling face. Yes, I think if she spends time here I may take the bus with her to go there…taking the bus is a treat too for little ones who are used to being driven everywhere. My grandson loved our trips to the city by bus and Métro.

We went back to their home for a fun visit at the park and then a nice dinner.

hear the music
squeals and giggles
toddlers on the swing

After dinner Lara sat next to me with a book she wanted me to read and Gabriel sat on the other side. I had never read this one before.  As I read, I could feel both children huddle closer to me and looking up at my face as I acted out a lot of the words. Their mom laughed saying I looked as excited as the children were reading it. I actually was…I love discovering new children’s stories. I also like making up children’s stories.

I had such a lovely day and slept like a baby last night.

Tomorrow I will be having a belated Mother’s Day dinner with my daughter. What a full week filled with love.

My heart is swelling so much I feel it against my chest.

© tournesol 2024-05-13  Daily Moments


May blossoms [troiku ] 2024 05 06 daily moments

(c) tournesol 2024-05-06

May blossoms
budding promises in June
on my balcony

May blossoms
slender necks reaching high
kissing skies

budding promises in June
parents rooting for their team
at the baseball park

on my balcony
scents of herbs and spices
sipping iced tea

© tournesol 2024-05-06

rain or shine (haibun – daily moments 2024-04-28)

rain or shine (haibun)  daily moments April 28 2024

Rain or shine
life can still be....

This morning I woke up to the soft rain falling and still I felt content. It was interesting how yesterday’s sunshine infused hope and joy and today I still feel good…[sighs] It must be my espresso with a hint of vanilla…

today is a lovely day
sun rays on the windowsill
hear the plants sigh

today is a lovely day
raindrops on windowpanes,
washing winter away

sun rays on windowsills
mother nature’s “good morning”
blossoms smile

hear the plants sigh
a new form of silence…
nature’s budding cheers

© tournesol 2024-04-28

chasing rainbows- free verse


what is happiness (free verse)

you cannot chase it
you cannot look for it
you need to be content
with what the universe brings you
to be open to flares…moments of joy
that lift the corners of that frown…

my cats made me smile today,
the sunshine brought me joy
new blossoms on a plant
on my bedroom windowsill,
sipping my morning java makes me sigh…

feeling warm water
in the shower eases the pain
from aching joints
see the pain run down the drain
gone for a moment or two
moments I embrace…

(c) Tournesol– 2024-04-27

Dear Emma (haibun – daily moments 2024-04-19)

Dear Emma,

I had my last appointment at the podiatrist …and decided to take an Uber. I did not feel like spending a few hours in transit. It was raining again like the last appointment. Maybe the Universe arranged it this way so I would not feel guilty spending money on my ride.

Usually I enjoy chatting with the drivers who often have such interesting stories to share but this morning, I noticed the driver seemed interested in their talk show about politics on a francophone channel and thought it best to get back to my podcast. The driver seemed to drive with an uncertain foot…fast, then slow, fast, then slow. Yep, just as well, I did not chat on this ride as it might distract the driver.

After the brief appointment, I decided to walk to the coffee shop to have lunch and relax. On my way there, I was pleasantly surprised to see a car stop to let me cross. A gesture like that sure makes my day!

feeling grateful
a stranger’s act of kindness
fills my heart

I took out my little notebook I carry with me just in case I get an idea for a poem and savoured my dark roast.

at the coffee shop
aromas rouse my senses
soft music echoes
unaware to such pleasures,
patrons staring at their phones

© Tournesol 2024/04/19

Daily Moments – Haibun – April 19, 2024

Recalling joy (haibun)

Recently I have been reflecting on how I tend to be preoccupied with worry. However, I realize that ruminating in some cases bring me joy for example, when I am replaying a memory that warms my heart.

I remember seeing a video my daughter in law was kind enough to send me of my 3 yr old grand-daughter opening a Valentine card I mailed her and she takes her time trying not to tear the card inside, seeing it as a gift to her and once she opens it she shouts, “It’s a HOLIDAY! Thank you, Nana!” How quickly such delightful moments escape us when we are trying to record that moment…

pen to paper
that brief moment
put into words

pen to paper
recalling that joy
freezing an image
alas! the moment has passed!
like a butterfly in flight

I have since found a marvelous way to hold on to such memories. I relive them several times in my mind and whenever I need to take a 5 minute break to relax and get my “joyful fix”, I close my eyes and focus only on these blessed moments. I have several of my personal real life videos banked in the front drawer of my brain. Try this “fail free” practice of visiting joy at your leisure…and breathe [smiles].

(c) Tournseol 2024-04-05

Daily Moments – 2024-04-05

Dear Emma (Daily Moments Feb 11 2024) Haibun


Sleeping Kali

Dear Emma,

For the past 4 weeks I have been rereading the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and redoing the exercises. The main one is journalling 3 pages each morning the moment I wake up. That is a bit of a challenge on the days I work since I am not a morning person and I have to set the alarm 30 minutes earlier. But I do set up my coffee maker on my vanity in my bedroom the night before so I can at least have my java fix as I write in a stream of consciousness.

Today is Day 2 of Week 4 and I managed to be inspired to write one poem/haiku…but you would not believe how I got my inspiration!

I noticed a new icon named Co-Pilot, on the task bar of my laptop and out of curiosity, I clicked on it. It popped up on my right side and it is an AI offering to answer questions, create background images …basically everything and anything. So, I typed in “poetry prompts” and it listed a bunch of types of poems…then I typed in “Haiku prompt” and it gave the definition of a haiku and gave me a bunch of prompts that were mediocre but the one that struck me was “sound”. I was hearing a sound in my office that stimulated emotions in me…and so here is the haiku that turned into a troiku.

Sleeping Sounds of Innocents (troiku)

Gentle whimpering
soothes the ears as she writes
sleeping feline moans

gentle whimpering
subtle sounds of innocence
moments of pure joy

soothes the ears as she writes
recalling sleeping infants
tugging at the heart

sleeping feline moans
dreaming chase in open fields
feasting on its prey.

© Tournesol 2024/02/11

Daily Moments Feb 11 2024 – Troiku

thinking of John Lennon  Daily Moments – Haibun



“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”― John Lennon

She is not a religious person. She likes to think of herself as spiritual on one level, believing there is something greater than we can even conceive out there in the universe (except for the great minds who have risen to such a level of consciousness). She was raised to believe in God, Jesus as her brother, Mary as her mother.  Such a foundation formed in a child’s mind usually stays…it had stayed with her. She still recites the Hail Mary from time to time; she still crosses herself when she passes a hearse or on-duty ambulance.

She feels there is beauty even in darkness.  There is ugliness even in beauty.  It does very little if you have hurt someone or made mistakes that impacted on others, if you do not first acknowledge it.  That does not mean to live a life of guilt. Guilt is like a barometer, measuring moral good and bad. Oh, you know when you have crossed that line!  You feel the twinge in your gut telling you “uh-oh, what have I done.”  You may continue on that same path, but I have a sneaking suspicious once you are “aware” of its ugliness, it will never be the same…never  be as joyful…never ever will you be able to reach bliss.

Like a person addicted to heroin who first experiences that pure high…nirvana, he calls it and every other time he shoots up, he is chasing that same feeling which he never will achieve.  Imagine if for once, just once, you achieved such a high, a pure white light of consciousness of feeling uplifted and serene just by meditating or chanting your favourite prayer or mantra!  Now that would be something to chase…what a beautiful goal in life.

What feeling do you get when you give someone something without ever owing them anything, without they`re asking for anything…just because you want to give?

The other day she was rushing to work and stopped to pick up a bagel and cream cheese…it was cut in half and she took one out to eat quickly before getting on the Métro.  She passes a young man, who she often sees at the same spot begging for money. She had not gone to the bank to get any money since her trip, so she handed the bag with the other half of the cream cheese bagel and simply said, “Please, it is still warm…” and left.

Walking to the Métro,  towards rue St-Denis at midnight where it gets a bit tricky to cross the street, she stands at the centre of the street on a block of cement not to get hit by the oncoming traffic  and waits patiently.  An off-duty ambulance stops and waits for her to cross the street.  She felt so blessed…what a beautiful gesture, a selfless act!  It gave her such a nice warm feeling walking home at one in the morning. What a lovely way to end her day/night.

Amma, (Mata Amritanandamyi) is an Indian Guru, a saint, Divine Mother, a deity,  who believes in Love and Compassion.   Thinking of the death of John Lennon today, December 8, 1980,  she cannot help but be reminded how he believed, modeled and sang about peace, compassion and love as well.  Amma chants, Lokah Samastah Sukino Bhavantu (May Peace and Happiness Prevail).

snowing petals
like white flowers falling
from the sky

John Lennon  wrote a song in January 1970 and this particular song was recorded the very next day.  Apparently, this is something quite rare.  It is said he repeated the studio recording three times and that was it…it was ready. Surely he was also blessed at that moment writing about peace…not condemning necessarily those who do wrong because after all, we may have a chance in another life to do good.  She believes that it is often in this same lifetime we are given an opportunity to change our lives around.  She saw it family…people who had led a life of greed and hurt many people along the way.  The last twenty years of their lives, they became better persons…they suffered illnesses, suffered loneliness and isolation but their attitude in life turned from bitterness to a state of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Karma is a chance

a free get-out -of-jail card

to recover.



“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality”(John Lennon)

Here is that famous song, the late John Lennon composed and sang 46 years ago:

Instant Karma by John Lennon

Instant Karma’s gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you’re gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love
What on earth you tryin’ to do
It’s up to you, yeah you

Instant Karma’s gonna get you
Gonna look you right in the face
Better get yourself together darlin’
Join the human race
How in the world you gonna see
Laughin’ at fools like me
Who in the hell d’you think you are
A super star
Well, right you are

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Ev’ryone come on

Instant Karma’s gonna get you
Gonna knock you off your feet
Better recognize your brothers
Ev’ryone you meet
Why in the world are we here
Surely not to live in pain and fear
Why on earth are you there
When you’re ev’rywhere
Come and get your share

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
Come on and on and on on on
Yeah yeah, alright, uh huh, ah

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
On and on and on on and on

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun