a lotus blossoms (haibun)

I love the story of how a lotus starts off.  Such a beautiful flower, appearing so delicate and yet it is so resilient.  This flower grows in ponds and lakes where water does not move much, hence it sprouts first under water in mud and murky water. Just as humans go through life facing loss, sadness, death, and dark moments, hopefully we become stronger and our mind is awakened, acquiring wisdom.  The lotus stems becomes stronger forming a bud that pushes its way to the light, above water and only then, free of dirt and mud, opens one petal at a time …just as humans open up to spiritual growth.  How fascinating!

In Buddhism the bud of the lotus represents potential. We have the potential to  spiritual growth  and  awakening,  and enlightenment. As the lotus flower emerges from the water clean,  this represents purity of body, speech, and mind…an awakened mind. *

murky waters breed
ignorance and bigotry
 lessons learned

knowledge stems growth
building strength and wisdom
seeking clarity

reaching for the sun
budding above water
a lotus blossoms

(c) Tournesol ’14

Carpe Diem Haiku Shuukan

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