the rendezvous (haibun)



merriment echoes
of their love
savouring stolen moments
‘til they meet again

Every Wednesday, they met behind the gate like clandestine lovers. She would bring a picnic basket and he, a bottle of Merlot. She would often giggle like a young teen despite her sixty years in age. It was the only time she felt alive and filled with a sense of hope until her return home to care for her senile brother.

wind blows in her hair
blossoms fall softly on her cheek
from the plum tree

© Tournesol ’16/02/21


22 thoughts on “the rendezvous (haibun)

  1. Sometimes we have choices and other times choices are made for us.
    Especially regarding family.

    The whole of it works – all the pieces unite in a gentle story.


    • You are right and wise as usual, Jules. Sometimes the pieces fit. This is fiction of course but a mixture of truth. I have a great aunt that sacrificed her entire life to take care of her brothers, one especially. She had promised on her mother`s deathbed. Refused marriage and spent her life with him. I always felt sad for her. She had a heart of gold.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think more of that was done in those generations that came before us. Now there are government agencies. We have friends who have children in small group homes. But I think not all who are differently abled have the care that they should have.

        We also know of a family where the mother had very early onset of dementia and was dutifully taken care of (though in a facility) by her husband who could afford to do so – in a private institution for most of her life. After her death he did have a companion for a bit, but when she passed… well he is still around but I think his own children know that at this point he may need some assistance.

        Hearts of gold exist. Bless them.


      • yes, times have changed and we are more skilled and knowledgeable in mental health. I think if my great uncle would have lived as a child today, parents would have been better equipped and there are schools to help him. I wrote in the story senile but the truth was he was intellectually impaired. He loved his sister, loved family and company. As a child was hidden by his parents but as an older adult, his sister never hid him, taught him as best she could and he outlived everyone.

        Liked by 1 person

      • We had a similar situation with someone I knew. The older sister cared for the brother… until her passing. He lived at least ten to maybe even 20 years beyond her.


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