last rites (haibun) daily moments October 29/16

The colours will soon disappear and I look around at the maple leaves on the ground; some are red, yellow and amber. Walking through the thicket I try to slow my pace and take in the little green that is left and the grounds are muddy now and leaves are turning to mush. Still, I hope the Great Spirit will not wash it all away before its time. Last week we had five days of rain and this is day two of the five days foretasted again. Wind and rain seem to be the enemy in mid autumn for we are robbed of those last days of colour and beauty. In spring wind and rain turn into our gifts to clean the land and make space for new blossoms. I suppose there is a time for everything…this is the unsavoury part of loss, endings.

season’s rituals
Mother Earth goes to sleep
cleansing rites

2 thoughts on “last rites (haibun) daily moments October 29/16

  1. Wind and rain seem to be the enemy in
    mid autumn for we are robbed of those
    last days of colour and beauty

    How nice to savor the last remaining days of the golden hues around but for the rain. We can’t have it our own way perhaps!



    • Surely the ground needs it before the frosts, so I’ll just take what I can get:) Let’s cross our fingers no rain for the trick or treaters on Halloween. A light snow will be more tolerable:)


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