the road is our teacher (haibun)

I love this part of Coelho’s book. I can relate to the long journey of nine years studying to get my degree. And throughout that journey I learned so much more outside the classroom. I learned more about myself. I don’t think I would have become the person that I am if I would have crammed it all in three years full time.
Last summer I went on a road trip. Rather than take two days to drive to visit my family 600 Km away and continuing on another 200 km to relax by Lake Erie in a secluded village, I took four days to get to Lake Erie. I drove along the lake making the trip that much longer due to the route and having to drive slower since I was on a secondary route. I stopped at several places to sleep and met amazing people who have also traveled to many other countries.  Staying at Airbnb’s that were humble homes, at affordable prices, I was able to get a taste of real living in some of the towns, getting to know the residents of each place…feeling more connected than having stayed at motels or hotels.
Just like my last trip at the end of December, I traveled  to San Francisco only for two days before going on to a 4 day retreat in San José.   I walked for hours despite the rain by the water and revisited many places as well as discovered new finds.

history relived
walking along similar paths
inhaling new insights

The retreat in San José was another experience as well since I had never attended a retreat completely alone. Within minutes at the end of the token line, I met someone who became my guide, my mentor and my new friend throughout the four days there.

strangers on the path
coming together as one
seek Mother’s blessing
power of the mundane,
oh such meaningful lessons!


CDHK – The Pilgrimage – the road is our teacher

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